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Master captivating scenes, hilarious realities and dynamic characters!

260 US dollars
Cartoon Cat Improv LLC dba Kismet Improv

About this Class

**ALL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THIS CLASS ARE CLAIMED. TO ENROLL IN IMPROV 301 WITH A DISCOUNT OR SCHOLARSHIP FOR APRIL, EMAIL CLASSES@KISMETIMPROV.COM.** Step into the spotlight with Improv 301! 🌟 This dynamic course is your next step towards mastering the art of improvisation, culminating in a dazzling showcase of two-person scenes that will leave the audience in awe. Here's what you can expect: 🌐 Mastery of Scenework Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of base reality, anchoring your scenes in a shared world that's both relatable and ripe for humor. 🎭 Deep Dive into Scene Work: Learn to craft and respond to the "who," "what," and "where" of any scene, making your performances truly captivating. 🤝 Relationships, Environments, & Characters: Initiate and develop rich relationships, immersive environments, and memorable characters, becoming a versatile and compelling performer. Prerequisites: Kismet Fundamentals Curriculum or Kismet Improv 101 + 201 If you have not taken these classes but have relevant training or experience, please email before registering. Showcase: March 23 at 6 p.m. Instructor: Randy Miller Randy Miller is an improviser, improv coach, and teacher trained at The Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) theater in NYC. A member of their advanced Academy Program, he worked with a variety of incredible coaches and received independent training as a member of many New York-based indie improv teams. Randy has been a house performer at Kismet since the theater’s third season and now performs with The Marquee Freeform team. He coached the Kismet house team, The Void, taught the Spokane Master Class, led the Thursday night practice group, and was the assistant coach of The Kismet house team Valkyrie. Outside of Kismet, he helps teach improv to adults with developmental disabilities at The Outsider Collective in Pawtucket, RI, and to adults who have developmental disabilities, have had strokes, or other TBI at the MAB Training and Rehabilitation Center in Westborough, MA. Randy’s teaching focuses on trusting both yourself as a performer and your teammates, being present, and embracing the unknown in life and in improv. See Randy on Friday nights performing with the Marquee cast or coaching The Void!

Cancellation Policy

Please email if you need to cancel your class enrollment or space rental.

For Questions or More Information

  • 401-205-2552


We sponsor up to 25% of all class enrollments for scholarship and financial aid students. Scholarships are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a scholarship or financial aid, please visit our scholarships page.

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About Kismet Improv


Kismet Improv brings live improv and sketch comedy to the great people of Pawtucket, R.I. every weekend. With a series of rotating shows, Kismet's commitment to keeping audiences rolling laughing has quickly made them a mainstay in Rhode Island's growing comedy hub. We also offer improv and comedy classes for all levels.

Our performers and teachers have trained nationwide. We proudly feature alumni from Second City, iO, Upright Citizens Brigade, ImprovBoston, Improv Asylum, Union Comedy, Wage House and the Providence Improv Guild. 

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